SZ Gipfelstürmer

the start-up competition
for innovative business ideas

We are looking for the most innovative start-ups in Germany

Founders who develop new ideas are crucial for the future of our economy.

That’s why the Süddeutsche Zeitung honors the best of them at its business summit. The SZ Gipfelstürmer Award focuses on up-and-coming start-ups in the fields of artificial intelligence, mobility and DeepTech, whose innovative ideas will have a significant impact on our economy.

At the same time, it is crucial for start-ups to establish good contacts and be present with the decision-makers in their industry in order to ensure positive business development. With the SZ Gipfelstürmer Award, the Süddeutsche Zeitung, together with UnternehmerTUM as the largest center for start-ups and innovation in Europe, offers founders the opportunity to increase their visibility and expand their network in a targeted manner.

We are looking for the top 3 start-ups for each of the categories Artificial Intelligence, Mobility and DeepTech, which we will invite as finalists to the SZ Wirtschaftsgipfel in Berlin. We will announce the winning start-up in each category at an awards ceremony as part of the summit program.

The award recognizes start-ups that offer groundbreaking and innovative solutions and are also pioneers in the field of sustainable business. The most groundbreaking and sustainable solutions are selected from the applications based on a series of criteria.

Apply now for the
SZ Gipfelstürmer Award

Application deadline is October 06, 2024

Companies can apply if they:

  • Start-ups that have already been founded are (entry in the commercial register)
  • Are not older than 5 years
  • In a stage between start-up and Series B
  • Have their headquarters in Germany
  • and that fall into one of the categories — AI, mobility and deep tech

Criteria for selection

Our selection criteria evaluate the start-ups and their founding team on the basis of five dimensions:

  • Gipfelstürmer Fit: This year, start-ups from the fields of AI, mobility and deep tech are being sought. The start-ups must be active in one of these categories.
  • Impact-Pionier: The start-ups, their product and/or business model must promote positive social and ecological change.
  • Innovative strength & market potential: Start-ups should have the ability to develop enough new ideas and make them marketable.
  • Marktresonanz: There should already be positive reactions and acceptance of the start-up’s product or service from customers.
  • Strong Team: The founding team should be highly competent, collaborative, and goal-oriented. Attention is also paid to the composition of the teams.
  • procedure

    Application phase
    • Applications are submitted via an online form.
        - facts and figures
        - Pitch deck in PDF format
        - Completed questionnaire
    • Submission deadline is October 6, 2024, 11:59 pm
    Jury meeting and announcement
    • The start-ups compete against each other within their category and are initially assessed by UnternehmerTUM based on the defined criteria. The top 10 start-ups in each category will then be evaluated by a high-caliber jury. This jury will select 3 finalists for each category, who will receive an invitation to the SZ Wirtschaftsgipfel from November 11-13, 2024 in Berlin. The jury meeting will take place on 15.10.2024.
    • The finalists will be notified on 18.10.2024.
    Award ceremony
    • The winners will then be announced live at the SZ Wirtschaftsgipfel in Berlin as part of an awards ceremony.
    • The award ceremony will take place on 12.11.2024.

    Apply now for the
    SZ Gipfelstürmer Award

    Application deadline is October 06, 2024

    Content partner

    UnternehmerTUM is the largest center for innovation and entrepreneurship in Europe.
    The team empowers innovation enthusiasts to take entrepreneurial action. Together with start-ups and established companies, UnternehmerTUM drives tech ventures forward – from the initial idea to market leadership. In cooperation with the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and entrepreneur Susanne Klatten, UnternehmerTUM has been supporting forward-looking start-ups such as Celonis, Konux, Lilium, inveox and Isar Aerospace since 2002. Today, UnternehmerTUM works with hundreds of German and international corporations and family businesses and was recently ranked Europe’s No. 1 start-up hub by the Financial Times. UnternehmerTUM supports hundreds of tech start-ups every year with annual VC investments of USD 2.2 billion.


    Our Jury

    Matthias Ballweg
    Matthias Ballweg

    UnternehmerTUM, for the category mobility

    Matthias Ballweg

    UnternehmerTUM, for the category mobility

    Dr. Matthias Ballweg is co-founder of CIRCULAR REPUBLIC at UnternehmerTUM. His work focuses on rethinking existing products and business models and driving large cross-company projects to close the loop in specific value streams such as batteries and vehicles, electronics, textiles or packaging. Previously, Matthias was co-head of the global circular economy platform Systemiq. Before that, Matthias was Vice President Strategy at MAN for 3 years. He is father of 4 children and chairman of the Alpenverein Oberland, one of the largest sports clubs in the world.

    Frauke Goll
    Frauke Goll

    AppliedAI Inistitute, for the category AI

    Frauke Goll

    AppliedAI Inistitute, for the category AI

    Dr. Frauke Goll has been the Managing Director of the appliedAI Institute for Europe since July 2023. The appliedAI Institute for Europe aims to provide high-quality content for AI enthusiasts and users in the AI age and to promote collaboration within the European AI community. Previously, Frauke Goll headed the Innovation, Strategy and Transfer department at the FZI Research Center for Information Technology for more than five years. She has also initiated various impactful projects, such as the Digital Hub Karlsruhe Applied Artificial Intelligence, the European Digital Innovation Hub Artificial Intelligence & Cybersecurity and the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Klima.Neutral.Digital, each of which promotes innovation and collaboration.

    Christine Heuwing
    Christine Heuwing

    UnternehmerTUM, for the category DeepTech

    Christine Heuwing

    UnternehmerTUM, for the category DeepTech

    With her many years of start-up experience in the areas of strategy, product launch and market development, Christine Heuwing supports the teams of the start-up accelerator XPRENEURS at UnternehmerTUM. She also coaches the teams in the areas of leadership and effective organization and implementation. Christine is a passionate networker.

    Ulrich Schäfer
    Ulrich Schäfer

    Süddeutsche Zeitung

    Ulrich Schäfer

    Süddeutsche Zeitung

    Ulrich Schäfer is deputy editor-in-chief of the Süddeutsche Zeitung. After seven years at Der Spiegel, he began reporting from Berlin in 2003, initially as deputy head of the SZ parliamentary bureau. From 2007, he headed the business editorial department for nine years, the Munich, Region and Bavaria department for three years and built up the SZ's new newsdesk as head of news.

    Award and prize-giving ceremony

    Why an application is worthwhile

    • Networking: Both the presentation to the high-caliber jury and participation in the SZ Wirtschaftsgipfel (for finalists) offer opportunities to make relevant contacts.
    • Visibility & reach: The media coverage of the award in the channels of the Süddeutsche Zeitung and in the context of the SZ Wirtschaftsgipfel creates attention.
    • Award: As part of the award ceremony at the SZ Wirtschaftsgipfel, the best three start-ups will be honored and receive a trophy and a certificate. The winners can call themselves “SZ Gipfelstürmer 2024” and use the title in their communications.

    Apply now

    If the registration form is not displayed here, please make sure that you can access content on the pages and Please contact your administrator if necessary.

    In case of persistent technical problems, please contact or +49 89 248815-300 (Mon-Fri: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.) stating which event you would like to register for.

    If you do not have a technical problem but a general question about this event, please contact our congress team, which can be found in the menu under Contact.

    Do you still have questions?

    Please contact

    Conditions of participation

    Who can participate?

    Start-ups eligible to participate in the Gipfelstürmer competition are Companies that have already been founded, are entered in the commercial register and are no more than five years old. The Show More

    Application period & timeline
  • Application deadline: 06.10.2024, 23:59 hrs
  • Jury meeting: 15.10.2024
  • Information of the finalists: 18.10.2024
  • Award ceremony: 12.11.2024
  • Evaluation & jury process

    The start-ups compete against each other within their category and are assessed in the first step by UnternehmerTUM on the basis of the defined criteria of “Summit Pioneer Fit”, “Impact Pi Show More

    Award & prize

    The award is presented in the categories of Artificial Intelligence, Mobility & DeepTech. There are three finalists in each category, from which one winning start-up is chosen. The winning Show More

    Costs & fees

    Participation in the SZ Gipfelstürmer Award is free. No fees will be charged.

    Any costs incurred by the finalists for travel to and from the business summit in Berlin and for overn Show More

    Obligations for finalists

    Nomination as one of the 9 finalists requires the creation of a short company profile to present the start-up on this website and personal participation with at least one member of the founding Show More


    Süddeutsche Zeitung and UnternehmerTUM as scientific partner reserve the right to exclude submissions that are deemed unsuitable and do not meet the application criteria.

    Data usage

    By completing the company information and sending the application, the participating company agrees to the application process and consents to the use of the submitted data in the application pr Show More

    Liability & legal action

    Süddeutsche Zeitung GmbH accepts no liability whatsoever for the loss or incompleteness of the data transmitted by the participating company. This also applies to the disclosure of information Show More